About the
The Hungarian Railway Museum Foundation was established by MÁV (Hungarian State Railways) Plc. and MÁV Nosztalgia Ltd. in November 1999. The Foundation is registered at 1142 Budapest, Tatai út 95. The Foundation’s aim is to collect and preserve railway heritage, to create and maintain a permanent railway exhibition and also to provide maintenance to the vehicles exhibited and operated on the premises. The Foundation supports research projects related to the past and future of the railways.
Through its own workgroup, the Foundation acts as the operator of the Hungarian Railway Museum since 1 April 2012.
The Hungarian Railway Museum Foundation is looking for support from individuals and organisations who care about the preservation and presentation of the technical heritage of the railways in Hungary. The support is used for the operation and development of the Museum and for the refurbishment, maintenance and preservation of the vehicles.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Railway Museum Foundation is Mr Lajos Horváth.
You may send your financial support to the Foundation by bank transfer:
Beneficiary: Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park Alapítvány
Bank name: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Rt.
Bank account number: 10201006-50078161
You can offer 1% of your personal income tax to our Foundation:
Tax number: 18168341-2-42
Thank you for your support.