Venue Rental
Europe’s first railway history park is a unique and world-class event venue. The Hungarian Railway Museum is located in the 14th district of Budapest, at 95 Tatai Street. It is ideal for holding corporate events, receptions, gala dinners, classical and pop music concerts, conferences, workshops, product shows, family fun days and other gatherings in an extravagant environment, as well as for shooting films and advertising films.
The locational characteristics of the Park allow all types of events to be held without time and sound restrictions. As an alternative way to get to the venue, we offer you a nostalgic train which departs from Budapest-Nyugati railway station and arrives directly to the Museum
AIM Group Hungary Kft.
CORA Dunapack Rt.
Liberty International Kft.
Microcosmos Kft.
Schneider Electric
Bonus Party Service Kft.
Econet Rt.
Gerbeaud Gasztronómiai Kft.
Magyar Turizmus Rt.
Porsche Hungaria
TriGranit Management Zrt.
World Cyber Game a Kreál Plusz szervezésében
Burg Party Service Kft.
Euroleasing Rt.
Gundel Kft.
Matáv Rt.
Pont Rendezvényügynökség Kft.
Xerox Magyarország Kft.
CIB Bank Rt.
IBUSZ Utazási Kft.
Jaguar Hungary Kft.
PricewaterhouseCoopers TASC SÁRL
Webasto – Hungária Kft.